This policy is set in place to ensure all activities at Happy Hearts Nursery are monitored by the CCTV surveillance.


Surveillance - Surveillance cameras are video cameras used for the purpose of observing an area.


The CCTV surveillance system placed at Happy Hearts Nursery is in accordance to the guidelines set by ADEK (Abu Dhabi Education and Knowledge) and the MCC (Monitoring and Camera Control) of UAE.

Purpose of the Surveillance System:

The system has been installed by the nursery with the primary purpose of monitoring

The system will not be used to provide images for the world-wide-web or record any sound.


Digital recordings are made using a digital video recorder operating in real mode, monitoring the site continuously 24 hours a day. Images will normally be retained for between 4-6 weeks from the date of the recording and they will then automatically overwritten.


Viewing of the recorded images of CCTV will be restricted to the MCC (Monitoring and Camera Control), Nursery Manager within the office, and to those staff who need to have access in accordance with the purpose of the system. Out of nursery hours, the owners will have access to CCTV images via secure remote access to assist in maintaining the security of the premises. This is not a “webcam” facility; parents will not have access to view recordings.

In case of any incident the parent can request to view the CCTV footage, by filling in an application form which will go to the higher management for approval. Upon receiving the said approval, only footage of the related child will be shown to the parents under supervision of our staff.


Please refer to the following documents to ensure the effective implementation of the policy: