This code of conduct is to be used by all parents/caregivers, volunteers, staff, extended family, visitors and professionals who access Happy Hearts Nursery. We have a legal responsibility to provide a comfortable, safe and happy environment for all the children and all of the staff, all of the time.


Code of conduct - set of rules outlining the social norms, religious rules and responsibilities of, and or proper practices for, an individual


We strive to provide a safe, welcoming and happy environment for all the children and families that access our setting and place great value on:

To ensure the smooth running of the setting due regard is given to the following:

Health & Safety – Parents, caregivers and visitors are welcome to look through our policies and procedures at any time and copies are available upon request. All are reviewed on an annual basis and form the basis of our induction for new parents, caregivers and practitioners with all practitioners refreshing their knowledge on an annual basis.

Communication – This is key to avoiding misunderstandings and potentially volatile situations. We encourage a culture of polite consideration towards using acceptable verbal and nonverbal language. At no time will aggressive or offensive language be accepted from anyone whatever the circumstances may be.

Discipline – Children’s behavior is dealt with in line with our policy and issues are discussed privately. At no time is a staff member permitted to raise their voice to a child while disciplining them.

Respect – We are an inclusive setting and we celebrate diversity. Everyone is valued and respected and we aim to promote positive attitudes to diversity and difference within all people.

Confidentiality – This is paramount, and everyone is expected to comply with our confidentiality policy. Please respect the confidential nature of information gained or behavior observed in relation to other children and adults.

For this policy to be effective everyone concerned must take ownership and assume responsibility of it. To ensure this happens:

The management will endeavor to:

The staff will endeavor to:

Parents and caregivers can help us to maintain our responsibilities in the following ways:

Please do:

Please refrain from:

Discussing sensitive issues within earshot of your child or other children or other adults - Taking photographs or videos of children other than your own


Please refer to the following documents to ensure the effective implementation of the policy: