The purpose of this policy is to outline the nursery’s position on parental involvement in their child’s education and the school community.


Communication – exchanging information by speaking, writing or any other medium Workshop – a meeting at which a group of people engage in intensive discussion and activity on a particular subject or project


Parents/guardians play a central role in their child’s education. Their role and contributions must complement that of the school and both should work together to achieve the nursery mission.

The following are the nursery’s responsibilities related to parental involvement:

  1. The school will establish effective methods of communication with parents to ensure that they are regularly and clearly informed of all general information (i.e., policies, programs, circulars, announcements, nursery calendar, events and activities, and announcements) and of their child’s academic and behavioral performance and progress.
  2. The nursery will use various methods of communication with parents; these methods include the nursery website, parent portal, text messages, e-mails, phone calls, letters, conferences and meetings.
  3. The nursery shall conduct information sessions for parents to inform them of policies and procedures, curriculum, programs, and approaches and tips to support student learning. Such sessions include orientation sessions, open house, parental workshops, and program and curricular information sessions.
  4. The nursery shall inform parents of all policies and procedures that directly relate to their children and ensure that parents have access to these policies through the nursery website. Such policies include the attendance policy, child protection policy, entry and exit policy, fees policy and nursery bus regulations.
  5. The nursery shall ensure that parents are kept informed of their children’s academic and behavioral performance and progress by
    • Conducting parent-teacher meetings almost once in a month;
    • Arranging for meetings with parents throughout the academic year and as the need arises;
    • Providing parents with a progress report at the end of each term or unit of learning, as well as an end-of-year report; and
    • Distributing awards of achievement to celebrate students’ success in attainment, participation and progress.
  6. The nursery shall conduct a parent-led conference during which parents are provided the opportunity to meet and share with their child’s teachers all necessary information related to the child that could inform the learning experiences the nursery provides to maximize learning
  7. The school shall encourage parents to attend and participate in nursery events and activities (i.e., cultural events, sports events, social activities, and performances)
  8. Parents are encouraged to participate in other school activities including school field trips, for nursery events, and special days. Active involvement in their children’s education include:
    • Making every effort to ensure that children attend arrive every day and arrive on time
    • Ensure that kids come neatly dressed to the nursery
    • Frequently asking children about their daily activities
    • Keeping updated with changes at the nursery
    • Checking and responding circular and announcement from the nursery


Please refer to the following documents to ensure the effective implementation of the policy: