Happy Hearts Nursery makes every effort to ensure that all children are safeguarded and well cared for. The children are the center of our focus in all decision‐making and arrangements.
First Aid - help given to a sick or injured person until full medical treatment is available.
- The nursery sees adequate First Aid provision as vital in the daily process of caring for the children.
- The Nursery keeps records of illnesses, accidents, and injuries, together with an account of any first aid treatment, non‐prescription medication or treatment given to a child.
- All policies are listed, and New staff are given information on all of the nursery policies as part of their induction.
- The first aid box is located in nurse room.
- The contents of the first aid boxes are checked regularly by management.
- First aid boxes will be restocked immediately when required.
Our nursery nurse will administer first aid to a child in line with the following procedures:
- Administer first aid as appropriate
- Call for help if required
- Call emergency services if required
- Ensure everyone is safe and the injured child is cared for and accompanied
- Call the parents if appropriate Immediately after the incident
- Record the incident / accident • Ensure that everyone relevant knows
- Take any further action as required If an ambulance is required for emergency treatment, a senior member of staff will accompany the child to hospital.
- The parents will be notified immediately.
- Staff members should call emergency services as soon as it becomes clear the injury is beyond the nursery’s capability and the health of the child is compromised; if in any doubt, refer immediately to a member of the Senior staff.
- Recording accidents and informing parents Members of Staff who deal with an accident or injury must record the incident in the Accident / Incident forms and inform management.
- Parents are always contacted if a child suffers anything more than a trivial injury, or suffers a head injury or if s/he becomes unwell, or if we have any worries or concerns about his/her health.
- The records are reviewed regularly by Management and action taken to minimize the likelihood of recurrence.
Records include: ‐
- the date, time and place of incident
- the name of the injured or ill child
- details of the injury/illness and what first was given •what happened to the person immediately afterwards (e.g. went home, resumed normal schedule, went back to classroom, went to hospital)
- name and signature of the person dealing with the incident along with a witness.
- Staff All staff receive First Aid training at least every 3 years.
- Medicine consent form has to be filled in case if any medicine has to be administered.
- Protocol for Administration of Medicines for children with particular medical needs Prior to joining the nursery, all medical details are required so that the nursery can provide the level of care expected
Please refer to the following documents to ensure the effective implementation of the policy:
- Medication Consent Form