The purpose of this policy is to ensure all children and staff at Happy Hearts Nursery remain safe in case of fire.


Safety – freedom from harm or danger

Drill - to fix something in the mind or habit pattern of by repetitive instruction

Evacuation - the action of evacuating a person or a place.


At HAPPY HEARTS NURSERYwe make sure the nursery is a safe environment for children, parents, staff and visitors through our fire safety policy and procedures.

Happy Hearts Nursery has an annual maintenance contract with Fireman Safety Services Company that ensures all fire related safety and procedures are set in place.

Happy Hearts Nursery has an overall responsibility for the fire drill and evacuation procedures. These are carried out and recorded for each group of children every three months or as and when a large change occurs, e.g. a large intake of children or a new member of staff joins the nursery. These drills will occur at different times of the day and on different days to ensure evacuations are possible under different circumstances and all children and staff participate in the rehearsals.

The Fireman Safety Services checks fire detection and control equipment and fire exits in line with the timescales in the checklist below.  


An accurate record of all staff and children present in the building is kept at all times and children/staff must be marked. An accurate record of visitors is kept in the visitor’s book. These records must be taken out along with the register and emergency contacts list in the event of a fire.

No smoking policy

The nursery operates a strict no smoking policy – NO SMOKING signs are displayed at appropriate locations in the nursery.

Fire drill procedure

On discovering a fire:

If you are unable to evacuate safely:

Checklist for the teachers-



Please refer to the following documents to ensure the effective implementation of the policy: