Field trips are an important part of Happy Hearts Nursery curriculum. The field trip policy is in place to ensure safety standards during the field trip.
Supervisor – a person who supervises a person or an activity.
Approval – the action of approving something.
At Happy Hearts if we organize field trips as part of the curriculum delivery, we comply with the following guidelines:
- Field trips are organized only for the age group 3 to 4 years.
- Attendance for these field trips is optional for all students;
- The number of supervisory staff on the trip is determined as follows - every 10 students on the trip should be assigned two supervisors;
- The supervisors accompanying are nannies, teachers or administrators are the nursery staff itself;
- A contact person (name and number) is provided to parents to contact during the trip;
- The nursery takes into consideration the students’ cultural and religious requirements when on the trip.
All documentation mentioned below must be kept as part of school records:
- A detailed communication and itinerary as sent to the parents informing them of the details of the trip;
- Signed copies of all the parental approval forms for the trip;
- Approval letter from ADEK
In addition, the following must be submitted to ADEC (for information and record only) at least one week prior to the trip:
- The contact person (name and number) for the trip, as provided to the parents;
- A list of all the students and supervisors on the trip;
- Evidence of approval as received from the parents.
Please refer to the following documents to ensure the effective implementation of the policy:
- Field trip form
- Approval letter from ADEK