The purpose of this policy is to ensure in case of any emergency or critical incidents that occur at Happy Hearts Nursery, we have a set guideline that can be followed to minimize injuries and further risks.


Critical incidents - A “Critical Incident” is any actual or alleged event or situation that creates a significant risk of substantial or serious harm to the physical or mental health, safety or well being

Emergency - An emergency is a situation that poses an immediate risk to health, life, property, or environment.


Measures Taken to Reduce Risk

Daily safety checks are conducted by supervisory room staff and management on duty before the building is opened to children. This is to ensure that the premises are safe to operate. Any faults or damage established from this check are reported to the most senior person on duty and appropriate action is taken to resolve the matter.

Dealing with an Accident

Accident Procedure

  1. All accidents must be recorded in the accident/injury record sheet book and on head injury form if applicable.
  2. All recording of accidents must be done immediately after the child has had the accident.
  3. Parent/caregiver is to sign the accident book form. The accident/injury record sheet stays in the medical record file.
  4. In the event of a child requiring hospital treatment, a member of the staff must:
  5. Make every effort to contact the child’s parent/caregiver or emergency contact.
  6. Take all relevant information in respect of the child to the hospital (medication record, food charts etc.)
  7. Staff member will remain with child until parent/caregiver arrives.

Make sure that relevant information is conveyed.

  1. Date of accident / injury.
  2. Time it occurred.
  3. Location where accident / injury occurred.
  4. Location on child of injury if applicable head sheet should be completed.
  5. A brief description of the accident / injury should be written.
  6. Information relating to treatment / first aid/ action should be given.
  7. Member of staff completing accident/injury record sheet should sign relevant section.
  8. Information should be recorded relating to any follow up treatment in the hospital.
  9. Member of the staff should sign the sheet
  10. Parent / Caregiver should be informed and sign Accident/injury record sheet to confirm this sharing of information


Please refer to the following documents to ensure the effective implementation of the policy: