The purpose of this policy is to ensure there is effective communication between Happy Hearts Nursery and its parents as this is extremely crucial for the growth and development of the children registered at Happy Hearts Nursery.
Communication - the imparting or exchanging of information by speaking, writing, or using some other medium.
Feedback -P information about reactions to a product, a person's performance of a task, etc. which is used as a basis for improvement.
Parent/School Communication Protocols Happy Hearts Nursery provides parents and teachers with multiple methods for communicating. Through various means we communicate openly with parents the school program for your child, the learning activities and assessments your child will be given, the issues that arise for your child either at home or in school, so we can have two-way effective communications for heading off problems or resolving them as they arise. The staff at Happy Hearts wants positive, open and mutually supportive relationships with each parent.
- Coffee mornings: During early September of each school year hosts a coffee morning session so that parents and teachers can meet for the first time to become acquainted, to receive any concerns and feedback form parents about their behavior and eating habits etc. and to be given the necessary information to communicate with their teachers through electronic means, monthly PTM’s and follow up sessions.
- Parent teacher Meetings: These meetings are held at the end of every month to update the parents on the progress and development of their child. Parents are free to share with the teachers their concerns and queries regarding the child behavior, their routine, and the curriculum. Each classroom teacher is expected to provide parents with overviews, that show the topics covered, the timeline for these topics how student learning will be assessed, and the key resources that will be used. Parents are also made to fill in the Feed Back form to help us work on the gaps and suggestions.
- Nursery website: Pictures and videos of the activities of the child are uploaded on the gallery on weekly basis so that the parents are aware of the activities and their child’s participation in the same.
- Social Media: Information regarding, monthly plans, events, special days and any other circulars are shared with the parents on WhatsApp. Parents are also allowed to communicate any information or concern on daily basis through WhatsApp.
- Telephone: The school reception can be reached at 02 444 4274 to arrange changes to the student’s daily schedule or to set up scheduled meeting times with the staff or management.
- Report Cards: Report cards that detail the student’s achievement levels as per HHN Achievement Standards, their attendance records, and their attitudes towards learning and school are provided on a quarterly basis at the end of each term or semester.
Please refer to the following documents to ensure the effective implementation of the policy:
- Nursery website
- Social media links
- Nursery mobile
- Report cards
- Parent feedback forms