Child Safety Policy

Behavior Management  

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At Happy Hearts Nursery, we seek to promote positive behavior in all of our children. We work with all the children and their parents to build self-esteem and to instill a positive self-image. We discourage challenging behavior by focusing on what children can do, rather than what they cannot do. We support all children in our care by helping them to feel secure, make friends and to develop positive dispositions to learning.


Behavior - the way in which one acts or conducts oneself, especially towards others.


We believe that children develop the best when expectations are clear and developmentally appropriate. We aim to support children in their growing awareness of the needs of others and to help them to understand how to behave in socially responsible and acceptable ways. We support children so that they establish and sustain satisfying relationships within their families, with peers, and with other adults.

We promote positive behaviour in the following ways:

We work in partnership with parents in the following ways:

Every child has the right to be happy and secure at HAPPY HEARTS NURSERY and to be supported when he or she feels vulnerable.

Children are guided away from behaviour which:


Please refer to the following documents to ensure the effective implementation of the policy:

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