
UAE National Day

2 Dec, 2023

Happy Hearts Nursery joins the rest of the nation and its residents in celebrating the national day to respect and cherish the spirit of the union.

Cherishing the Spirit of Union

The preparation for UAE National day starts a week in advance. The children take part in various art and craft Activities, symbolizing the UAEs National Day. Happy Hearts Nursery joins the rest of the nation and its residents in celebrating the national day to respect and cherish the spirit of the union.

Exciting & Fun Activities

The celebration spreads throughout the campus in the form of bulletin board decorations, classrooms with UAE flag, banners and streamers across the corridors .The children made photo frames and bags which were kept on sale for a cause. They also involve themselves in class group activities making symbols like camel, flag, UAE map, palm tree.

Parents Join in on the Fun!

parents were invited to the nursery to be a part of the celebration. Children performed on the stage. There were different games like saddle the camel, fish frenzy, try your luck, and stalls like face painting and henna drawing where the parents and children were involved. The parents enjoyed the traditional Arabic snacks at the end of the event.

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